Friday, November 14

Stealer's Wheel?

I noticed this attractive new winning design for NYC's streetside bicycle lock-up points. I'm going to predict: NO. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Don't they have bike thieves in Denmark? Haven't they seen Cool Hand Luke?

A simple circle, resting on the ground with a bar bisecting it. That concept, called “Hoop” — the brainchild of Ian Mahaffy and Maarten De Greeve, designers based in Copenhagen — is the winner of the CityRacks Design Competition and will be used as the new standard bicycle rack installed on New York City’s sidewalks, officials announced on Friday. Nearly 5,000 such racks are to be installed over the next three years.

Mon Dieu! Un huile tres stupide.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if they actually did a test to see how theft-proof the device is?
